
This journey begins with a lot of excitement and fears, which was the reason for this blog when I started it in 2010. It was meant to be an outlet for me, but after only two posts, I quickly realized I was a far more private person than I thought. Three years later, we are still on this journey and a lot has changed. I've come to realize that sharing this very personal journey may not only help me, but may help another woman going through the same thing.

A little about me. I've endured a lot of heart-break growing up. Through heart-aches I've gained strength, courage, faith, and the ability to laugh. I truly believe with God, loving friends and laughter, any soul can heal. I'm a strong and positive person, but I can feel this journey is testing the very person that I am. I'm grateful to have awesome women in my life walking with me. I'm also blessed with an amazing husband. I've had to be strong a lot in my life, but he has taken that burden from me, and I just couldn't be more grateful to have him as my husband.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Positive Pregnancy Test

Took a pregnancy test today and got a positive. I'm so excited! I couldn't stop crying. Tears of joy of course. If only video could have been taken, but it was just me. My husband is at work and I wanted to find a cute way to tell him I'm pregnant. So, I made signs for our dogs Avie and Asher. Avie had a sign that said, "Momma's Pregnant" and Asher's sign said, "What's a Baby?". Asher has been around kids, but not a baby yet. So, I thought that would be a cute sign for him. The hubs came home and I waited for him to read the sign. He was just as excited, obviously. :) Tomorrow I go in for a blood test.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

IUI Today!

I got up at 6:30am! I just couldn't sleep anymore. I'm so full of emotions, the most being incredibly happy and excited to finally be at this point. I feel hopefully and incredibly grateful this morning. I'm not allowing any fears to even enter my mind. I'm filling my mind and body with positive thoughts and energy. It's in God's hands and I trust the plan he has for me. The nurse even gave me a wonderful compliment and said my positive energy was refreshing. :) I can't stop grinning today.

The procedure wasn't too terrible. The nurse did have a hard time finding my cervix. She went through 3 different clamps and even had to leave to get advise from another nurse. I had to raise my leg in a very awkward position for her to find my cervix. It was uncomfortable, but not painful, which was a huge relief.

Now we wait. Wait. *sigh* I'm not good at waiting. I'm excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time. I feel very positive though. Why wouldn't this work, right? That's what I'm choosing to believe.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Everything has changed!! I don't think I've mentioned I'm also doing ovulation testing. The nurse told me to continue with ovulation testing which they have me doing after 3pm with nothing to drink between 12pm and 3pm. I had a surge today. I called the nurse immediately and IUI is happening tomorrow! I sure hope you can hear my excitement.

My husband will go in at 7:30am to do a sperm collection. Or as he said, "I'll leave my sperm at the door for you." Ha! I love that I have a funny husband. :) They will do a sperm wash prior to the IUI. A sperm wash separates motile and healthy sperm from the non-motile and unhealthy sperm. It also separates the sperm from the semen. I had no idea that sperm and semen where two different things. They will only inject sperm into the uterus. Inserting the semen could cause infection.

I will then go in at 9am for the IUI! I'm thinking of asking them if they could just hang me upside down for a few hours. ;)

It's out of my hands. It's in God's hands. I trust whatever God has planned for us. 

I had another ultrasound this morning. My follicles have grown, but they are not ready just yet. Everything looks great though. I have 3 follicles that are close together. The nurse said with the follicles this close together, there is a chance for 3!! Yes, triplets. My response was, I am just fine with that!! She then proceeded to tell me that I would be considered a high risk for triplets and that it would not only put the other 2 at risk, but could also put my life at risk. :/ The chances are still slim, so we will cross that bridge if it happens. I do hope it's not a bridge I have to cross.

Today my follicles were at 15, 16 and 18 (if I'm remembering correctly). I go back in for another ultrasound on Thursday morning and if they are at 20, I will get a pop shot and IUI will happen on Friday! A pop shot triggers (pops) the eggs and pushes them to ovulation. I initially was going to possibly have to give myself the pop shot. I didn't even really flinch at the idea. I've grown in so many areas during this process. A year ago if you had told me I would have to give myself a shot, I might of fainted. ;)

I'm happy. I'm hopeful. I'm excited to finally be at this part of the process.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Getting Closer

I went in for an ultrasound this morning to see how close I am to ovulation. I'm showing 3 follicles on the right side which is the the side I need to ovulate on since I don't have a left tube.Three follicles on the right side is great!!!  This really gives me hope. The nurse said the follicles look great and are are about 14mm. She wants the follicle size to be at 20mm for IUI. I'll be going back in for another ultrasound on Tuesday morning. IUI should happen this week!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Quick update on the clomid side effects. My last day for taking clomid was yesterday and I'm happy to say that I didn't suddenly become moody. I think I'm just so happy to be moving forward, that nothing can bring me down right now. Then there was the hot flashes and boy did I get them! Hot flashes are awful! There's really not much more to say except that hot flashes are no fun at all! At least I didn't get moody and get anyone mad at me. My husband I'm sure is relieved. ;)

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Next Step

The next step is to make an appointment on the 3rd day after my cycle for an ultrasound and blood work. That was today! The blood work and ultrasound is to make sure I can start on clomid. I have a cyst on my ovary wall that has been there since last August. It's nothing to be concerned about, but they need to make sure it's not an estrogen cyst (?) since clomid can cause them to get bigger. All came back clear, so I start that tonight.

Have I mentioned the amount of medications I'm on? It's crazy! I've been taking a prenatal pill and extra folic acid for a number of months already. Then they started me on DHEA; one half in the morning and one in the evening. My last visit they did a blood test to check my Vitamin D levels and I was low, so I'm taking 50,000mg of Vitamin D once a week. And now I'll be starting clomid twice a day. I had to get myself a little pill box with the days of the week for the am and pm just so I could keep track of it all. I feel like I should join AARP. ;)

Now about clomid.  Clomid is used to stimulate ovulation which can also cause multiple births. I'm okay with that. It may also cause me to be irritable. Great. That's just what I need. My poor husband. It can also cause me to have hot flashes and gain weight. Well that's just wonderful. *insert sarcasm*

The next step is to start ovulation testing on the 8th day after my cycle. Once I get a surge, we setup an appointment for IUI! I'm anxious, but also excited! I know I only have a 5% chance, but someone has to be in that 5%, so why not me.